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Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Electronic waste.. Is it waste or comodity?


Name : Wulan Sari Suhanto
NIM : 09304241048
Prodi :  Subsidy Biologi Education

Mathematic and Science Faculty
Yogyakarta State University

Electronic waste, e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) describes loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, or broken electrical or electronic devices.
Electronic waste" may be defined as all secondary computers, entertainment device electronics, mobile phones, and other items such as television sets and refrigerators, whether old,donated, or discarded by their original owners. 
·                 Dangerous for health
The result of study that is publish on Environment , Science, Technology Journal mention that every year develop country discard 200 – 300 million broken computer and predict it will increase until 400 – 700 million broken computer in 2030.  It’s cause by increasing the use of computer  and another electronic devices.

          The invention, innovation dan development of technology , mendorong society wants to buy the newest “ gadget “ and throw the old one.  In the other hand  threw electronic waste in  land fills create new problem.     It ‘sn because electronic waste consist of an average 1000 materials , most of the materials categorized as poisonous and dangerous material  ( B 3 ). There are substanances like heavy metal ( mercury, cronium, cadmium, arsenic ), PVC,  dan brominated  flame-retardants. If this substances gag di tangani secara tepat it will damage human and the environment.

Found in
Fluorescent tubes (numerous applications), tilt switches (mechanical doorbells, thermostats), and flat screen monitors.
Health effects include sensory impairment, dermatitis, memory loss, and muscle weakness. Environmental effects in animals include death, reduced fertility, slower growth and development.

The most common form of cadmium is found in Nickel-cadmium rechargeable batteries. These batteries tend to contain between 6-18% cadmium
When not properly recycled it can leach into the soil, harming microorganisms and disrupting the soil ecosystem.. The inhalation of cadmium can cause severe damage to the lungs and is also known to cause kidney damage
Polyvinyl chloride   ( PVC)
Third most widely produced plastic
Burning PVC in connection with humidity in the air creates Hydrogen Chloride (HCl), an acid.

BFR (brominated  flame-retardants )
Used as flame retardants in plastics in most electronics
Health effects include impaired development of the nervous system, thyroid problems, liver problems

Burning of electronic waste that is contain heavy metals will create air pollution ( consist of lead)  which is very dangerous. If the substance in electronic waste decompose and mix with water, it can be infiltrate to the ground and polute ground water. Polution that caused by substances in electronic waste will damage   nervous system, circulatory system, kidney, distruct the development of brain    ( in children ), the destruction of DNA.
An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste is produced each year. The USA discards 30 million computers each year and 100 million phones are disposed of in Europe each year. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only 15-20% of e-waste is recycled, the rest of these electronics go directly into landfills and incinerators.EPA estimates for 2006-2007.  Indonesia import many kind of electronic devices to fulfill the needs of society in Indonesia.So indirectly  landfills full of electronic waste.

Where does e-waste end up?
·         Electronic waste trade
Debate continues over the distinction between "commodity" and "waste" electronics definitions. E-waste is routinely exported by developed countries to developing ones, often in violation of the international law. Inspections of 18 European seaports in 2005 found as much as 47 percent of waste destined for export, including e-waste, was illegal. In the UK alone, at least 23,000 metric tonnes of undeclared or 'grey' market electronic waste was illegally shipped in 2003 to the Far East, India, Africa and China. In the US, it is estimated that 50-80 percent of the waste collected for recycling is being exported in this way.
Guiyu in the Shantou region of China, Delhi and Bangalore in India as well as the Agbogbloshie site near Accra, Ghana have electronic waste processing areas.Uncontrolled burning, disassembly, and disposal causes a variety of environmental problems such as groundwater contamination, atmospheric pollution, or even water pollution either by immediate discharge or due to surface runoff (especially near coastal areas), as well as health problems including occupational safety and health effects among those directly and indirectly involved, due to the methods of processing the waste. Thousands of men, women, and children are employed in highly polluting, primitive recycling technologies, extracting the metals, toners, and plastics from computers and other electronic waste. Recent studies show that 7 out of 10 children in this region have too much lead in their blood. Health report from  Shantou University guiyu mention  that people in guiyu has high risk of cancer that caused by high level of dioxin ( guiyu has highest dioxin level in the world) .
How about Indonesia ?
Although there are no certain report about how much electronic waste in Indonesia and how much gold, silver, copper which can be raise from e waste. Electrical waste contains hazardous but also valuable and scarce materials. Up to 60 elements can be found in complex electronic. According  to  data from Industrial and telematic department  in 2010 consumption of  mobile phone in Indonesia it’s about 25 million mobile phone ( with omzet  24 trillion ) and predict it will reach 44 million  ( with omzet 27 trillion ) in 2011.
According to Researcher from Center for Environmental Law Dyah Paramita, said that Indonesia doesn’t has clear definition about what ‘s electronic waste ? include the suitable e waste management . It’s so ironic because this country  not only produce their own e – waste but also become destination country of import electronic waste from America and China.     
Furher more the rapid increase comsumption of electronic devices also known as             “ gadget “  mobile phones,mp4, computers, laptops in indonesia need management. But, in Indonesia there aren’t  specific   rule of the law about e- waste management. Indonesian government feel that  law of dangerous and poisonous waste ( B3) was enough to accommodate electronic waste. But in fact, in Indonesia electronic waste doesn’t separate from another waste.  One more it’s ironic.
Indonesia it self  potensial  for  illegal electronic waste trade. It’s because in Indonesia there are 2000 potensial entrance gate for illegal  electronic waste trade ( poisonous and dangerous substantaces trade ).  So we need , I mean Indonesia need an International agreement in global and regional level because this problem is so crusial and undeniable.
As I said in the previous paragraph Indonesia  need e – waste management. Because this issue is crusial. The management of  e – waste  include  recycling, Consumer awareness efforts, Processing techniques

1.      Recycling
Today the electronic waste recycling business is in all areas of the developed world a large and rapidly consolidating business. The environmental and social benefits of recycling  :
·         diminished demand for new products and virgin raw materials (with their own environmental issues)
·         larger quantities of pure water and electricity for associated manufacturing;
·         less packaging per unit
·         diminished use of landfills.
·         reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the manufacturing of new products.

Tiada gading yang tak retak” maybe this Indonesian proverb suitable for recycling electronic waste .  In other hand it’s bring benefits but also disadvantages. Although recycling can be a good way to reuse the raw materials in a product, one of the major challenges is  the hazardous chemicals in e-waste mean that electronics can harm workers in the recycling yards, as well as their neighbouring communities and environment.
 The other challenges is recycling the printed circuit boards from the electronic wastes. The circuit boards contain such precious metals as gold, silver, platinum, etc. and such base metals as copper, iron, aluminum, etc. Conventional method employed is mechanical shredding and separation but the recycling efficiency is low. Alternative methods such as cryogenic decomposition have been studied for printed circuit board recycling and some other methods are still under investigation.
1.      Consumer awareness efforts
To create the awareness of the society ( the consumer of electronic product ) we can campaign aimed at protecting human health and limiting environmental effects where electronics are being produced, used, and discarded.
2.      Processing techniques
Make eco- friendly electronic devices that safe for our environment.
So, I conclude that electronic waste is something crusial  becacause it cannot be neglected by human ,it cant be neglected by the society, its something  that exist . In 2020 it will be big problem if the government doesn’t take clear action about the management of e- waste. The hot issue of e- waste is e-waste trade which the developed country like USA, EU export this kind of waste into developing country like india, china ,and Africa. The law enforcement in Indonesia is absolutely needed to prevent illegal import electronic waste from developed country.

My paper title Electronic waste is it waste or comoditiy? means that in some case its just a waste of electronic devices that dispose in landfill but it can be commodity when we recycle the metal that is include in electronic devices.

Adiwitya, Yuldi.2011. Lingkungan Menguntungkan Tapi Mengancam ( Sampah Elektronik) access from www.  on Tuesday, 24th May 2011.

Sapto Pradityo, Kartika Candra .2011.  Sampah Elektronik Emas  access from www. on Tuesday, 24th May 2011.

                   .2009. Where e-waste ends up ?  access from on Monday, 31st May 2011.

                     .2010. Dampak Limbah Elektronik Terhadap Lingkungan & Kesehatan  access from on Tuesday, 24th May 2011.

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